William Pardo
1 min readOct 11, 2020


Greek’s Gift

Guideline 2

Is not to harmonize, it is not to please, it is not to conform, nor to satiate the soul. What I want is the discomfort, the indisposition regarding the character itself, divided by flesh, bones, cells, atoms, cell phones, cloud and characters. I want to dissociate while I use words that will be as inaudible to those who are asleep, as well as unrecognizable to those who are awake. An inconvenience for those who wish, aspire or plan to contemplate themselves and a null gesture for those who already contemplate, even though they contemplate the image they create and there is none that is. In the meantime, I will continue to hope for an end, as convincing as the theory of the beginning, an explosion that will set us free.



William Pardo

Escritor de boteco, filósofo de porta de padaria, ator de quermesse de cidade do interior, vocalista de araque, sonegador de dízimo.